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Other useful links

This page is a collection of links that we found useful. It's quite dated by now...
Tools for Creating the Champ Library
Borland Compilers
- State-of-the-art compiler technology comes from
Help Authoring
- We've spent an enormous effort on the Champ documentation to give
you intuitive Windows Help and an elegant printed version at the
same time. Both are generated from a single source using Microsoft
Word 97 and WexTech's Doc-To-Help.
C++ Resources
See the C++ Web Pointers page that I set up
for a C++ course I used to teach.
Building and Maintaining This Site
Eversoft's 1st Page 2000
- A very nice freeware (!) HTML source code editor with instant preview.
W3C HTML Validation Service
- Validate your web pages with the official HTML Validation Service by
the World Wide Web Consortium, which
also has all the definitive references on-line.
Scott Brady's HotSource HTML Help
- Lots of tutorials and useful resources for building and
maintaining a website.
Project Cool Developer Zone
- Has some very useful information including a
summary of the basic HTML tags and a
list of the major search engines including information on
what they do, how they do it, and how to register your site with them.
Cedge's HTML Cheat Sheet
- Commonly used HTML elements and their codes.
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
- Lists every official HTML tag in common usage,
plus Netscape and Microsoft extensions; in 21 languages,
text and html versions.
CSS From Start to Finish
- A great collection of links to all sorts of information on CSS. Thanks to Rose Daus for the pointer!
- Color Tools and References
More Web Resources
- Interesting stuff that might be useful or just plain fun...
Third-Party Recommendations
A Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office
- A short introduction to some basic terms used in MS Office,
recommended by D.K.'s school class.
Website Builder Heaven - A Guide to HTML
- A comprehensive and accessible guide,
recommended by A.B.'s school class in Grand Prairie, Texas.
Web Hosting and Setting Up Your Own Website on a Budget
- A broad introductory text to the subject along with a nice collection of links,
recommended by Julie of Lyndhurst STEM Club for Girls.
Computer Language for Beginners: HTML
- A brief guide to the structure of HTML with a nice selection of hands-on links for specific tasks,
recommended by Julie of Lyndhurst STEM Club for Girls.
A Beginner's Glossary of Coding and Programming Terms
- What the title says, plus a number of interesting links to other beginner topics,
recommended by Kelly and Anita.
A vast library of extensive tutorials, tools, and links on a wide range of technical computer subjects
- It's hard to find an area that is not (yet) covered here, but — surprise! — I found one: HTML and CSS, of all things!
recommended by Mr. Faulk on behalf of Lauren.
Your Daily Tech Learning Hub
- "Empower your mind every day with curated insights, expert knowledge, and endless opportunities for learning about the world of technology."
— I couldn't have said it better.
Networking and Security
Gibson Research Corporation
- Essential Security information for all Windows users that
connect to the Internet (READ ShieldsUP! and LeakTest).
Also the home
of the famous SpinRite hard disk maintenance tool, vital
information for Iomega Zip and Jaz users, and the OptOut tool
which lets you remove spyware from your computer. Read Steve's
piece about "The
Ethics of Anonymous Surveillance for Profit" to
understand what so-called advertisement-supported 'freeware'
really is!
Sicherheits-Check (in German)
Ein Check des Landesbeauftragten für Datenschutz in Niedersachsen.
Information on Trojan Horses
What they are, how to protect yourself, and how to get rid of
them, if disaster has already struck.
- Interesting network tools and information.
Help Desk Software
- Network Help Desk software and documentation system with network diagramming and
inventory management from NetHelpDesk.
- Find out some of the things that your browser reveals about you!
Take Control of your Browser and Install interMute
- Filter cookies, ads, animantions, pop-up windows, referers,
Java, JavaScript and other nuisances globally or on a per site basis.
c't - E-Mail-Check
- Send yourself an email message to find out if your
email client is vulnerable to scripting attacks.
Browser and Security Check by Hochschule Rapperswil
- (in German) See what your browser looks like from the "other" side
and optionally let them run some tests on your Internet connection.
Information about Web Robots and Fighting Spam
Useful Information
- If you have to work with Windows, it's the natural place to go...
- Forum and FREE email newsletter that provides timely, unbiased information on Windows and other platforms.
- Must-have technical tools for Windows.
- The ISO 8601 Standard for Formatting Date and Time
- An explanation
and many related links.
- The ISO 3166 Country Codes
- A third party
list of the two-letter country codes.
- The ISO 8859-1 Character Codes
- A list of
character entities for national and special characters (e.g. ü for ü,
é for é, © for ©), with additional links at the bottom
Known TCP/UDP Port Numbers
- A very large list of Well Known / System Ports and Registered Ports
HOWTO Edit Messages
- A Message Editing and Quoting Guide (with Examples) -- nice source
for quoting if you run a mailing list.
Useful Services
The Google Search Engine
- Try it and you'll never look back. Even Yahoo has dumped their own
efforts and runs on Google now.
Deja (aka DejaNews)
- Scan a huge (really huge) archive of past and present newsgroup
articles for keywords, back to 1995. Get free filtered email.
Join newsgroup discussions without any risk of getting spammed.
Deja was bought by Google, and they're working on extending
their famous technology to the newsgroups. Currently (2001-02)
they only have newsgroups articles since 2000-08 online, but the
search facilities are already better than what Deja offered,
and they plan to add the older archives in the future.
MTN Internet Short Message Service
- Send an SMS message to cellular phones almost anywhere
in the world -- for free! (Yes, it works with Swisscom, too.)
- Send faxes from anywhere in the world to the USA, Canada, Australia
& United Kingdom for free. (we haven't tried this out yet)
Universal Currency Converter
- Xenon Laboratories convert any currency into any other. They
also provide many other free
services and even let you add some of them to your own site.
- Dictionaries
- Free on-line translations:
AltaVista Translator
- Translate entire web pages on-the-fly.
Adobe's Accessibility Tools for PDF Documents
- Convert PDFs to HTML or text.
Shahram's Search Engines
- Interface to specialized search engines.
- The Web's best freebies.
Measure 4 Measure
- A large list of links to interactive web sites that estimate,
evaluate, calculate, translate, etc.
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